They Are Billions Wiki

There is a particular interest in efficient usage of building space in order to maximize bonuses from bank (extra income) and market (extra food)

Layouts overview

Here's the table for comparison of layouts collected in this Markets and Bank layouts Google spreadsheet.

Layout Houses Bank B% Market M% Comments
Center Lined 144 118 81.94% 131 90.97%
Offset Market 193 121 62.69% 131 67.88% quite inefficient
Center Rows 140 116 82.86% 126 90.00%
Centered circle 145 120 82.76% 121 83.45% terrible issues concerning moving units around
Lined 150 128 85.33% 128 85.33%
Glasses 136 123 90.44% 123 90.44%


You can find the partially automated template on a sheet named L0 (template) of this Google Spreadsheet.

L1 (c

Layout "Centered circle" of the city.

L2 (c

Layout "Center lined"

L3 (glasses)

Layout "Glasses"

Here's some examples
